• LILIC - Learn Italian and Live In Cilento
  • Corsa del Mito
  • Festa del pesce
  • Da noi fare i fichi, al sole...
  • Stanco dello stress della città

Some personal note

You know, when you love someone to the point that you can’t do without the beautiful things, also accepting the bad things, though wanting to change them? We love Pisciotta in the same way. With confusion, passion, joy, nostalgia, anger, cheerfulness. But to love is a verb and we have decided to act.

We lived in the beautiful Sabina countryside at Farfa ... a name for a magic place. There lacked nothing, that’s what we believed.

For a while we lived imagining that the immense valley was blue instead of green; that the noise of the engines belonged to boats and not to tractors...that distant voices were those of our loved ones, not strangers (as nice). Then the fantasy became reality.

We are Linda and Alfonso, children of Pisciotta, sea and land of the Cilento.