Giuseppe Vitiello, Honorary President and LILIC Founder Member
I have worked more than 20 years in international organisations (European Commission, Council of Europe, NATO Defense College) and universities (Hochschule fuer Medien, Stuttgart and Ca' Foscari, Venice), I am now returning to my first love: teaching Italian to foreigners (University of Toulouse, Orléans and language schools such as the Torre di Babele in Rome and Pisciotta).
Linda Veneroso, Coordinator, Project Work and Mentor and LILIC Founder Member
Work Psychologist, I have worked as consultant for various EU training programmes (LifeLong Learning, Leonardo da Vinci, ESPRIT) and institutions (INPS, ICCD Beni culturali, etc.). In LILIC I am in charge of the Project Work Section.
Lucia Belli, Coordinator and Courses Teacher
I have taught English in Italian high schools (Naples: Umberto I, Pansini; Rome: Curie, Antonietti) and universities (Federico II, Naples) and Italian as foreign language in Italian schools abroad (Madrid: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Reina Sofia, Museo del Prado). I hold various titles in methodology of modern language teaching (English for Tourism, London; English for Teachers, Totnes) and am national coordinator for student mobility programmes (Umberto I).
Alfonso Di Crisci, Website Manager and LILIC Founder Member
Entrepreneur, I am active in informatics and restoration fields. For LILIC I am in charge of web marketing and relations with local entreprsies and associations.
Francesca Fedullo, Technical Assistant
With a degree in Visual Arts and a long experience in Arts projects for the Academies of Arts in Naples and Bari and 'marinArte', in Pisciotta, I am in charge of video-making and logistics.
Group of locals Pisciotta
We are grateful to the cultural and non-profit associations in Cilento for their enthusiastic support.